Monday, December 17, 2012

November/December Recap

Amidst studying for finals and preparing for Thanksgiving and Winter Breaks, our chapter had a busy November and December.  We celebrated Thanksgiving with a pitch-in dinner and elected officers for the coming year.  We helped spread Holiday cheer by caroling around campus and sending Christmas cards to nursing home residents.  We also participated in several campus activities like Homecoming and IM sports.  Our chapter was happy to initiate our 20 new members at the beginning of November.  We also hosted our Semi-Formal and mixers with the Sigma Phi Epsilon and Phi Kappa Tau chapters.
Paint War Mixer with Sigma Phi Epsilon

Showing UE Pride and Sisterly Support at the Homecoming Basketball Game


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

October Recap

The Introduction Dance for Big Man On Campus 2012

October is always a very special month for ZTA’s as it is Breast Cancer Awareness month.  This October the ZTA chapter at UE kicked off October by participating in Box City a project to raise awareness for the homeless.  The chapter also held a fundraiser at Orange Leaf to raise money for our philanthropy of Breast Cancer Education and Awareness.  We also hosted our 30th annual Big Man On Campus philanthropy event.  We had a great turn-out and a lot of fun as we "Demolished Breast Cancer" at this male beauty pageant!  We were so honored to have former National President, Sherry Tilley, in attendance as well as ZTAs from the University of Louisville!  Brock Reneer, representing Chi Omega was named this year’s Big Man On Campus.  We invited our parents to come support our BMOC and had a special parents brunch where we were able to give our parents gifts such as the Mother’s Pin and polo shirts for Dads.  We also kicked off our Save Lids to Save Lives and Think Pink campaigns on campus as well as throughout the Evansville community.  Several sisters helped out at Think Pink games such as the Evansville Icemen game, the Colts game, and UE’s Think Pink swim meet.  Other service projects included chapter-wide participation with National Make a Difference Day!  Some of us spent the morning volunteering at Mesker Park Zoo while others helped at Garvin Park.  It was a great way to give back to the community.  We supported our fellow Greeks with their philanthropy events which included Phi Kappa Tau’s Leggs, Phi Mu’s Rock for Riley, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s Kickball Tournament.  Several sisters also supported UE’s Women’s Soccer Team at their Greeks at the Game event.
Barn Bash!
The UE ZTA chapter also made some time for themselves this month midst all of the service projects.  We celebrated Halloween with our annual Barn Bash.  This year the dance was held in an actual barn and we were able to have a bonfire.  Everyone looked fabulous in their costumes!  We also had a “fired up” pottery sisterhood as well as a Halloween evening sisterhood event.  Our chapter paired up with the Evansville Alumnae for a sisterhood mixer at Mayse Farm where we had so much fun going through the corn maze and on wagon rides to the pumpkin patch!  Many sisters have also participated in several intramural sports this month.  So much sisterly support was shown this month as well, with many music and theater performances as well as athletics.  We are very proud of Josie Brown who represented ZTA in UE Idol and won second place!
Big and Little week also took place during October.  Our 20 new members and our 20 new Big Sisters are so excited!
Zetas Supporting the Basketball Team, Cheerleaders, and Dance Team
We wrapped up October with the start of Homecoming.  We made our presence known at all the homecoming events which included a game show, a comedian, canned food trick-or-treating, and a dance competition.  We supported our own sister, Brooke Routh, in the Homecoming Queen competition.
Now that October has passed, we will take time to re-energize and remember all that we have to be thankful for as Zeta Tau Alpha's as November comes.

Monday, October 1, 2012

August and September Recap

Bid Day 2012
Zeta Alpha's Newest Additions
Volunteering at Race for the Cure
Thumbs up for Lane Goodwin at Race for the Cure

WOW! The months of August and September have been so busy for ZTA at UE! We had a very successful recruitment and welcomed 20 lovely new members to the sisterhood! Amongst the chaos of the recruitment season, we had a chapter retreat and attended a ropes course for sister bonding. Other activities included a recruitment celebration with our new members at Gatti Town, a car wash fundraiser for our philanthropy, formal pledging, and intramural soccer! We also celebrated our national silver award with a pool party! Sisterhood events included a bonfire, game night, and sand volleyball. Our chapter also attended IFC Passover to show support for our fellow Greeks. We also helped at Race for the Cure! Other service events and philanthropies including Lambda Chi Alpha's Pumpkin Bust, Delta Omega Zeta's Price is Right, and Dog 'n' Suds for the Humane Society. Zetas are currently getting ready for our Big Man On Campus philanthropic event on October 13th. We are also collecting pink Yoplait yogurt lids!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Big Man On Campus

Mark your calendars for Zeta Tau Alpha's 30th Annual Big Man On Campus at the University of Evansville! This year's theme is "Demolishing Breast Cancer!"
When: Saturday, October 13, 2012 at 7pm
Where: Eykamp 251 in Ridgway University Center at UE
In addition to the "male beauty pageant," there will be a silent auction and "crowd pleaser awards." Tickets can be purchased at the door. 
All proceeds benefit ZTA's National Philanthropy of Breast Cancer Education and Awareness! 

ZTA Collegiate and Alumnae Mixer

You're Invited - Fall Fun Mixer!
What: Mixer with University of Evansville ZTA and ZTA Alumnae in the Evansville area!
Where: Mayse Farms (6400 Saint Joseph Avenue  Evansville, IN 47720)
When: Sunday, October 21, 2012 at 2pm
Activities include a corn maze, pumpkin sling, wagon rides, pumpkin patch, cider and carmel corn for purchase! Cost is approximately $6 per person. 
Email with questions

Thursday, September 6, 2012

ZTA Car Wash

The women of Zeta Tau Alpha at UE will be holding their first annual car wash on Saturday, September 15, 2012 from 10am - 2pm at G.D. Ritzy's on Green River Road in Evansville. All proceeds will go toward ZTA's philanthropy of breast cancer education and awareness. We welcome you to come out and show your support!

Monday, August 6, 2012

ZTA Connect on Facebook

A new Facebook group has been created for UE Collegiate members and Alumnae to stay in touch. The group can be found at:

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April Recap

April has been a very busy month with the semester winding down. Be sure to check out our photos below. We held our spring formal at the zoo, had mixers with Alpha Omicron Pi and Sigma Alpha Epsilon, participated in Greek Week and bike race, organized service projects and Think Pink events, held sisterhood activities, and said "goodbye" to our seniors at Senior Send-Off. We wish our seniors the very best and thank them for all of their time in Zeta Tau Alpha. Congratulations to them upon their graduation. We wish everyone a happy and safe summer vacation!

April Photos

April Service Project: Rent-A-Puppy
benefiting local humane societies 

Seniors at Spring Formal "Amazonian Queens" at Mesker Park Zoo and Botanical Gardens

Sisterhood Spa Night to
relax before finals!

Bike Race

Mixer with Alpha Omicron Pi

Think Pink Balloon Release

Think Pink Balloon Release

Think Pink Balloon Release

Greek Week Softball Game. ZTA won first place in Greek Week and sister Annie Vincelett  represented ZTA as Greek Goddess and also took first place by raising money to benefit the American Red Cross!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Senior Spotlight: SAMMI GAINES

Name: Sammi Gaines
Hometown: Ellsworth, IL
Major: Legal Studies and Political Science with an International Relations minor
Plans After Graduation: work for a few years then study environmental law at a law school in Portland
Favorite ZTA Memory: Big Appreciation day this year was amazing! It was the first year it has been done and I loved it! I came home to find streamers leading all the way up my apartment complex into my bedroom. My bed and desk were mummified in streamers and I had to unwrap it all. Once I unwrapped it there was a de-stressing present from littles full of chocolate, face masks, and nail polish as well as a note. The note said that they hid 26 pictures around my apartment. I stayed up  until early in the morning to find all the photos. They had hid them in my freezer, in my laundry and in every text book I owned. One the back of each of the photos was a reason or a story about why they appreciated me. I was so touched, even though I don't like surprises, this was a good one. Oh, and the TLC who was staying in my apartment, was in on the whole thing!

Senior Spotlight: STEPH BRANT

Name: Stephanie Brant
Hometown: Indianapolis, IN
Major: Nursing
Plans after Graduation: Move to Indy and be a nurse!
Favorite Part of ZTA: Being able to connect and talk with sisters about anything!

Senior Spotlight: ANNIE VINCELETT

Name: Annie Vincelett
Hometown: San Diego, California 
Major: Marketing w/ Minor in Sports Management
Plans After Graduation: Move back home :) and work for State Farm Insurance 
A Favorite ZTA Memory: Formal 2011!!
How ZTA has Impacted Your Life: Zeta means so much to me and all the relationships and bonds I have made are something I will never forget! Zeta has helped me grow as a person and be able to open up and learn that its ok to be my crazy self!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Senior Spotlight: SHELBY GEORGE

Name: Shelby Lee George
Hometown: Marion, IN
Major: Marketing and Management
Plans after graduation: Attend Law School

Favorite Part of ZTA: I love being able to represent something that is bigger than myself. I love the foundation to which we base ourselves on. The genuine love for all and the strength of our sisterhood has made me grow as a person and become a stronger more considerate woman. My most fond memories are spending time with my sisters being able to grow and learn from them.
How ZTA has Impacted My Life: Being a Zeta Tau Alpha has developed me into a much stronger, reliable, confident, and more insightful leader. Being a part of this organization has taught me so much about myself and the world around me. My sisters have proven to me that I am never alone, being there through my ups and downs and never losing faith. Because of this beautiful organization I am ready to take on the world!

Senior Spotlight: DEANNA HOOPER

Name: Deanna Hooper
Hometown: Carrollton, Texas
Major: Sociology, with a specialization in pre-professional social work
Plans after Graduation: Find a job in a very large and diverse city
Favorite ZTA Memory: My favorite memory in Zeta is actually a tie between two memories: getting my littles, Kelsey and Chelsey, my sophomore year and adopting my third, Lindsey, my junior year. My Zeta family is one of the most important things to me, and I'm glad I've got to experience my college years with my triplets always on my side.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April Service Project: RENT-A-PUPPY

Volunteering at a local Humane Society
UE's Zeta Tau Alpha chapter is holding a Rent-A-Puppy fundraiser!  All proceeds will benefit local Humane Societies.  We welcome alumnae sisters and friends to attend!  Come support ZTA and give some cute puppies some much needed love and attention!  Information regarding pet adoption will also be available. 

Zetas helping at a local Humane Society
What: Rent-A-Puppy
When: Saturday, April 21, 2012 10am-3pm
Where: University of Evansville, Grassy Knoll (East of Ridgway University Center)
Cost: $5 for 10 minutes, or other donations

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Senior Spotlight: REBECCA OATES

Name: Rebecca Oates
Hometown: Louisville, KY
Major: Communications, Public Relations, Advertising
Plans After Graduation: Plan to find a job... fingers crossed
A Favorite Part of ZTA: "I love my greek family. They are the ones I always turn to when I need help. They are always there for me."

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Senior Spotlight: SUSAN SMITH

Name: Susan Margaret Smith
Hometown: Brownsburg, IN
Major: Civil Engineering
Plans After Graduation: Find a job :-)
A ZTA Memory: My favorite moment in ZTA was seeing all of my hard work pay off on Bid Day 2011. Running recruitment was hard work, but seeing all of our amazing girls made it all worth it :-)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

March Recap

Pledge Class 2011 Retreat

The University of Evansville kicked off the month of March with a much needed, relaxing Spring Break! After our return, the Zeta Alpha chapter held initiation and officially welcomed our three newest sisters to our Sisterhood! Our Provence President, Stefanie Davis, also visited and assisted us in a Harry Potter themed recruitment workshop! She joined the 2011 pledge class on their retreat at Audubon State Park. They strengthened their bonds and got to know each other better with team building activities and a ropes course! We also had a visit from our TLC. Several sisters volunteered to take her to lunches and dinners where she gave them tips on how to improve the ZTA experience. Our chapter also had a Big Sister Appreciation Day to show our Bigs how grateful we are to have them! We also had a sisterhood “brinner” where we took turns making each other breakfast foods for dinner. It was a lot of fun and very delicious.
UE’s Greek Awards were also awarded this month. ZA won awards for Leadership, Social, Community Service and Philanthropy, and Lifelong Sisterhood! Deanna Hooper was also recognized for being an Outstanding New Member Educator!
Our chapter also traveled to IUPUI this month for Indiana Zeta Day! We all had a blast meeting ZTA’s from across the state. We even took home the Spirit of Indiana Award and Quota Achievement Award! ZA member, Brett Enneking was also recognized with the Senior Academic Achievement Award!
Indiana Zeta Day
Zeta Alpha also supported several philanthropies this month including Lambda Chi Alpha’s Teeter Totter-a-Thon benefitting the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Chi Omega’s Mini Golf Classic benefitting the Albion Fellow Bacon Center, Relay for Life, UE Gives Back, and others. Josie Brown and Kate Higgins represented ZTA in UE’s Music Therapy Association “Spotlight” singing competition and won first place!
Relay for Life!
We also finished up our Intramural Floor Hockey season and began Ultimate Frisbee! 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Senior Spotlight: ELLA WEIHE

Name: Ella Weihe
Hometown: Coralville, Iowa
Major: Special Education, Minor Psychology
Plans After Graduation: Attending graduate school at the University of Southern California to get my Doctorate in Occupational Therapy
A ZTA Memory: I loved making all of the big little pairs this fall then being able to watch all of the relationships blossom (especially my little/little little's, totally called that the moment I met her)
Fun Fact: I am getting married on May 26th :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Senior Spotlight: BRETT ENNEKING

Name: Brett Enneking
Hometown: Oldenburg, Indiana
Major: Psychology
Plans After Graduation: Attending the clinical psychology doctoral program at the University of Indianapolis
Favorite ZTA Memory: "All of my sisters supporting me in my quest to sing at the Race for the Cure :)"

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Senior Spotlight: VALERIE JONES

Name: Valerie Jones
Hometown: Brownsburg, IN
Major: Exercise Science
Plans after Graduation: Attend IUPUI's School of Occupational Therapy
Favorite Part of ZTA: Meeting new people and always having people to hang out with

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Senior Spotlight: JENNIE SLAVIK

Name: Jennie Slavik    
Hometown: Madison, WI
Major: BS Exercise Science and AS Physical Therapy Assistant
Plans After Graduation: Study for the Board exam for PTA while starting graduate school pursing a MS in Clinical Exercise Physiology! :)
A ZTA Memory"I still remember not knowing what to expect as they opened up the suite door and yelled my name on Bid Day! Since then there have been too many memories to even try to recall! Each and every experience I have had with my sisters and in ZTA has been an adventure!"
ZTA's Impact on Your Life: "ZTA has helped me become the individual I am today.  I do not know what I would have done these past four years without my Greek family.  As we have grown and changed, they have been my support system no matter how far across the country I travel!"

Friday, March 2, 2012

February Recap

Sig Ep A Go-Go Teams!

February was a busy and wonderful month for Zeta! Our chapter participated in many Greek Philanthropy events including Phi Kappa Tau's "LEGGS" in which we took first place. We were represented by Veronica Asher. Other philanthropies included Alpha Omicron Pi's "Survival of the Fittest" benefiting Arthritis Research and Sigma Phi Epsilon's "Sig Ep A Go-Go" benefitting Youth AIDS. One of our two Sig Ep A Go-Go teams won first place with their dance moves! Other service projects included Susan G. Komen's Hoops for the Cure at the Lady Aces Basketball game on February 12th and participating in a campus-wide potluck dinner fundraiser for Relay for Life! 
This month's chapter sisterhood events included a Super Bowl Party with lots of food, a Valentine's Day Party where we made each other valentine's and won prizes, a trip to see the movie "The Vow", a comedian hosted by the Student Activities Board, several basketball games, and music performances. Big/Little Reveal was also held during February for our three newest members!
We held a mixer with the men of Lambda Chi Alpha during which we ate pizza before heading to the last men's home basketball game. We reserved the student section together and cheered on our Aces to victory! We also made signs and gift baskets for the players, cheerleaders, and dancers as it was senior night. Zeta Alpha's own, Shelby George, was recognized for being a senior on the dance team. 

Zetas at the Game!

Another mixer was held at the end of the month with the men of Sigma Phi Epsilon. We had a game night including cards, board games, and Twister!
For intramurals, our basketball team won second place in the tournament! Floor hockey has just begun with a record of 1-1. 
As March is beginning, we are looking forward to Spring Break and another great month for Zeta!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Helium Needed!!

The ZA chapter at UE is looking for helium to put in balloons (possibly in April)!  If any alumnae sisters have a helium connection or know where to find helium at a discount please email

Thank You! 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

January Recap

To kick off the semester the Zeta Alpha chapter held a sisterhood retreat to catch up from winter break and to prepare for the coming year! We played games, ate food, had a sleepover, and talked about ways to better our chapter.
Midway through the month we hosted a CROWN event and gave bids to three lovely young women: Allison Weaver, Paige Anderson, and Paula Nowaczyk. The girls just signed their bids and were formally pledged a few weeks ago! The entire chapter is excited for our new additions.
Zeta Alpha Member, Sara DeMaras, presenting
cupcakes to the children at Ark Crisis Childcare
This month we also baked cupcakes that were donated to Ark Crisis Childcare Center in memory of the cousin of member Sara DeMaras. Sara's cousin, Olivia, recently passed away before she could fulfill her dream of owning a bakery.
The Zeta Alpha chapter also participated in UE's Musical Madness benefiting Big Brothers Big Sisters. We paired up with Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity to perform the UE version of the 90's TV show "All That." We also showed overwhelming support on campus at the Men's Basketball games this month and at our own Intramural Basketball games!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Welcome to the Zeta Alpha chapter's blog! We are the Zeta Tau Alpha chapter on the University of Evansville campus. We hope that this blog will help us connect with our alumnae sisters and keep them informed of the happenings within our chapter! We are very excited for this blog and we hope you find it more interactive than the previous newsletters. Please let us know if you need help getting around the site or if you have any suggestions. Check back for more updates soon and be sure to follow us (just click on the right side of this page)!